Saturday, December 28, 2019

Highly Successful Ten Steps to a Federal Job Trainers Certification Program Takes European Tour CFJST Training Naples, Italy, Aug 2010

Highly Successful Ten Steps to a Federal Job Trainers Certification Program Takes European Tour CFJST Training Naples, Italy, Aug 2010Highly Successful Ten Steps to a Federal Job Trainers Certification Program Takes European Tour CFJST Training Naples, Italy, Aug 2010Highly Successful Ten Steps to a Federal Job Trainers Certification Program Takes European Tour CFJST Training Naples, Italy, Aug 2010For the first time, a Federal Job Certification program goes overseas to help Fleet and Family Support Center transition counselors helping family members with job search and military career counselors who advise soldiers facing the challenges of returning home to a stalled economy.Jorge Delgado, Wan Embrey, Todd Burkholder and Jose Fiallos, Command Career Counselors Kathryn Troutman, Certified Federal Job Search Trainer FounderCFJST Training Naples, Italy, Aug 2010Its a very stressful time, admits Jeremy Denton*, a veteran remembering his return from Iraq after serving there in the Marine s. As chaotic as being in the military might be, you knew where you were going to be. Once youre on your own, theres no safety net.It certainly is a tough time for GIs to be coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan, with the recent dismal US employment reports of 130,000 jobs lost in July. Jeremy observes, When you transition, if you dont have a plan, youre going to fall on your face.Shirley Victa, Regional Education Services Coordinator Fleet and Family Support Programs Glovinia Harris, Regional Work / Family Life Coordinator, CNR Europe Africa SW Asia and Kathryn Troutman, President and Founder of The Resume Place (, have a plan for federal job search trainingIts called Ten Steps to a Federal Job. This step-by-step approach to finding federal employment is an integral part of the Federal Job Search Certification training she is taking across the pond. Known as the federal jobs guru, Troutman has been hired by the Fleet and Family Services Centers of the Navy to appear at three European locations to train their employment readiness counselors in Naples, Italy Sigonella, Italy and Rota, Spain.The federal government is the number one popular employer for separated and retired veterans, says Troutman. With this training, when the transition counselors have their military customers come in and there will be many with the drawdown in Iraq in process they will be able to help them in a more efficient, empowering, and informed way.The Ten Steps curriculum is currently being taught by transition counselors in all branches of the armed services at over 100 cousines around the world, to separating and retiring military, and their accompanying spouses.Locations include Bahrain, Guam, Japan and Alconbury, England. However, in the past, the counselors had to travel to attend The Resume Places certification program. Now Troutman is bringing the training right to the three Navy bases (Naples, Italy August 16-20/Sigonella, Italy August 23-27/Rota, Spain August 30-September 2).This training will give the transition counselors updated knowledge, including the latest on federal hiring reforms, notes Troutman. President Obama came out with new programs for federal hiring of both veterans and their accompanying spouses. Well be covering how federal job applications are handled throughout the whole process.Troutman sees the possibility of federal employment as being more important than ever to veterans, as separating military face an uncertain future in a down economy. Training like this could help reduce vets suicides and make it easier to overcome Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). And she applauds the changes in spousal hiring. The spouses would like to get a federal job as it helps them transition to new employment from base to base, Troutman says. This can help the military have a better quality of life by bringing more income to families.The certification training includes licensing of a new updated Ten Steps to a Federal Jobs Powerpoint presentation, designed as a three-hour workshop.The Ten Steps and the Powerpoint presentation make this material easier to cover, explains Troutman. It gives the counselors a structure to use to teach federal job searching. And for the jobseeker, it helps them realize that this is a campaign, and each step is important.Also associated with the Federal Job Search Trainer certification is the use of the new 4th edition of a workbook called the Jobseekers Guide. Covering all Ten Steps, this Guide includes useful federal resume samples in Troutmans Outline Format that integrate keywords from federal vacancy announcements.Troutman will be the lead trainer at the 3-day Certified Federal Job Search Trainings in Europe. She heads up The Resume Place, a resume writing and federal job search consulting company in Baltimore, and is the author of six federal career guides, including her latest Military to Federal Career Guide, 2nd edition. Accompanying her will be Emily Troutman, a Ten Steps Trainer and the co-author of The Students Federal Career Guide, and Sandra Keppley, a Human Resources expert, who will cover the bulk of the federal hiring changes and reforms.Its important to be able to create a strong foundation when you get back, notes armed services veteran Jeremy. And this is especially important for the guys who have a family. Though the military pay isnt that good, it gets to be pretty substantial when you add up all the benefits such as medical coverage and housing allowances. Having the ability to be trained and prepare yourself to get a good job at home with good benefits is definitely vital.For more info on the Certified Federal Job Search Trainer Program, go to certification programs.notenzeichen US-based Certification Training is available on Sept. 14-16, 2010 at Loyola College, Columbia, MD and Sept. 21-23, 2010 at Little Rock AFB, Little Rock, AR.Interested in hosting a program?This program is available to be presented at your base, state, c ountry or site We recently presented the program at Charleston AFB, Yuma Private Investment Agency, Yuma, AZ and Lemoore, CA.Minimum of 10 participants required at your site (computer room).Email us at*Jeremy Dutton is an actual veteran whose case study appears in the Military to Federal Career Guide. His name and some identifying details have been changed.

Monday, December 23, 2019

These are 13 of the most LGBTQ friendly tech companies

These are 13 of the most LGBTQ friendly tech companiesThese are 13 of the most LGBTQ friendly tech companiesJune is Pride Month. This is a month-long celebration of the LGBTQ community that includes parades, workshops, and many other events. Many tech companies have gotten in on the Pride ride as they want to celebrate their employees in this important community.Blind, a workplace app for tech workers, used by 40,000 Microsoft employees, 25,000 from Amazon, 10,000 from Google, 7,000 from Uber, 6,000 from Facebook, and thousands from other tech companies, polled its users to see how LGBTQ friendly their company is.Here were the findings of the survey (conducted from May 29 through June 3 of this year) of 2,475 respondents when askedto answer with True or False to this statement My current work environment is LGBTQ friendly.The 13 most LGBTQ-friendly tech companies1. Pinterest 98.15% said True2. Salesforce 96.49% said True3. LinkedIn 96.49%said True4. Uber 96.40%said True5. Apple 96.23 %said True6. Facebook 96.00%said True7. Lyft 95.08%said True8. Google 94.85%said True9. eBay 92.31%said True10. Microsoft 91.76% said True11. Amazon 91.55% said True12. Snapchat 88.68% said True13. Airbnb 87.04% said TrueWell, it welches Pinterest for the win, but Salesforce and LinkedIn werent far behind. Overall, 92.3% of those surveyed said the statement is True and nine of the 13 tech companies finished with a higher percentage of True responses than the overall survey average of 92.3%.Not all good newsDespite this positive news, Blind cited some unfortunate facts from CreditDonkey about LGBT workers.Approximately 1 in every 4 LGBT people has undergone some type of discrimination in their lifetime.As many as 30% of transgender workers have reported some type of discrimination in the workplace, including being fired or not getting a promotion because of their sexual identity.An estimated that 9.1% of gay couples and 4.9% of lesbian couples over the age of 65 live in poverty due t o a lifetime of discrimination in the workplace.Only 21% of US companies offer paid family leave 23% offer paid adoption leave and just 15% offer paid foster child leave.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The State of Tech Hiring in Austin

The State of Tech Hiring in AustinThe State of Tech Hiring in AustinTHE STATE OF TECH HIRING IN AUSTINQ3 and Q4 2019TOP SKILLS IN IMMEDIATE DEMAND1. Cybersecurity2. Business intelligence cloud architecture*3. wolke security4. Cloud computing5. BlockchainOF TECHNOLOGY LEADERS SURVEYED 75% plan to expand their teams.23% plan to fill only vacant positions.88% say its challenging to find IT talent in their area.99% are confident in their companys prospects for growth.97% will bring on project-based IT employees. Below are the top reasonsConsultants are part of our hiring strategy 64%When theres a sudden vacancy 53%For especially busy times 44%When a skill does not exist internally 39%For unplanned, time-sensitive projects 34%Multiple responses allowed.TOP BUSINESS CONCERNS1. Maintaining security of IT systems2. Innovation or helping grow the business3. Cloud projects/initiatives

Friday, December 13, 2019

Setting Up Bookstore Signings and Readings

platzsetting Up Bookstore Signings and ReadingsSetting Up Bookstore Signings and ReadingsFor book authors, readings - any event or appearance where youll also be signing books - can be an important part of your book marketing campaign. How Author Readings Are Set Up At a traditional book publisher, when a book is sold in, the sales department is given information about the authors availability to booksellers. This is based on the hometown of the author and, if the book has marketing and publicity budget that allows it, the cities to which the author will be traveling. As the book launch timeframe nears, the publicity department sets up the book signings, timed for when the book is published. Generally, book signings are only set up by the publisher at the time of the book launch. Though authors are usually free to reach out to local and interested stores themselves, its best to check with your publicist first. Note (and this is true for traditional andself-published authors),y ou have to know that you can sell enough books to make it worth the bookstores while. A bookstore generallyneeds to be stocking your book before it is going to want to have you for an event, or your reason for having a signing needs to be very compelling. For info on how bookstores and book fairs choose their authors and practical tips like what to wear on the interview, learn everything you need to know about author appearances. Already have your interviews set up? Make sure you dont forget anything (including fresh breath).If youre going to reach out for appearances, here are some tips for self-published authors to book their own appearances Approach? Bookstores and Other Venues at Least Several Months in Advance Bookstores generally set their in-store event calendar a few months in advance. Many venues book even earlier to ensure to be able to list the event on their calendar, etc. Pitch the Bookstore darbietung Manager or Event or Festival Programmer Anyone planning on h osting your appearance will need to know what book is about, why they should have you, and what you plan to do. FYI, unknown novelists arent generally considered for signings unless they can demonstrate their ability to bring in a crowd. However, if youve written a book to promote your business, you may very well be welcomed if your author appearance/book signing includes a program that might be useful to the bookstores customers and drive sales of other books. For example, a tax accountants book on IRS tips would likely be welcome in bookstores in March, before the April deadline for filing taxes. Help Spread the Word About Your Author Appearance A bookseller is likely to have your event listed on the stores monthly (or weekly) calendar. But as everyone (the store, the publisher, you the author) benefits from a successful book signing, it behooves you to help spread the word by letting your own networks know about the appearance. Put the signing on your author website, promote it on your Facebook page, Tweet it to your followers. Even if the signing is in an unfamiliar place, friends of friends might help spread the word. And, if youre self-published, you might go further and (if the store or event venue doesnt customarily do this themselves), and get the event listed in local calendars, pin-up notices in the other retail establishments or bars you frequent or even in the library. Ask permission, of course (and note that its bad form to put the notice up in a competing bookstore- and you dont want to piss off any bookstores). Make Sure Your Books Are Arriving on Time for the Author Appearance Dont laugh. Many an author has been disappointed by a carton of books gone missing. Check and double check that your books are arriving. Get tracking information and stay close in touch with the publishing and bookselling staff members who are responsible (this is usually the publicist and the bookstore manager or bookstores event coordinator). If youre appearing on a weekend, make sure your books are arriving early (book warehouses are closed shippers dont always have weekend schedules) get the cell phone numbers of all people you need to contact if the books dont arrive. If Youre Doing an Author Reading, Choose Your Passages Ahead of Time fruchtmark the passages well, and maybe select a range of possibilities depending on who shows up to your reading. That way, youre more likely to make sure your book appeal to whoever is in the audience. BYOP (Bring Your Own Pens ) Publicists generally bring some, too, but dont rely on others for this. Keep your own with you, just in case.Sharpies are the standard for many authors. Thick or thin - your preference. But have plenty on hand. Be a Pro and Go With the Flow The number of moving parts required for book signings means theres usually a bobble or two. Every venue does book signings differently some bookstore and event staffs are more professional than others, things dont always happen as you would expect or would ideally like. Be polite, be helpful, keep your cool. Give constructive feedback later - not in front of the audience or readers. Bring Your Books Promotional Materials If youre signing at a large event when many authors are signing as well, its great to have bookmarks or other promotional items with you at your table to bring some of the reading public to you. Thank Everyone Involved in the Author Appearance Make sure to write a note to your bookstore or event host. It takes a lot of effort to mount these sorts of events and your thanks will be much appreciated. Plus, it will help you get fondly remembered when your next book is published.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Warning Signs on Resume Writing Services Reviews You Should Know About

Warning Signs on Resume Writing Services Reviews You Should Know About Professional writers write each of their documents. Importantly, if you prefer, your resume writer may consist of industry-specific keywords into your resume. Resume Writing Group has a group of experienced professional resume writers from various industries. As our group of writers is pretty big, we always have free writers keen to bring a manageable and well-paid purchase. My team will work hard to discover candidates having the skillset youre looking for and which are interested in your opportunity, but we cannot guarantee the hire. The business employs an individual approach to each customer and customizes every resume. Additionally, it provides career planning help and vorstellungsgesprch advice. It does not provide a rush option. Freelancing is somewhat regarding the self initiated work, in which an individual or a team take projects from other business and submit after completion. The website does not have any limitations in regard to your professional experience and specialization. My team will probably ask you a few questions regarding the role and the opportunity. The team at Chameleon Resumes will give you the wisdom and marketing and advertising documents you should go forth and land your next job. The reach of services is among the biggest we have observed, offering discounts in the shape of packages and assorted career level choices. Dealing with our service you will readily locate all crucial information regarding different businesses and services collected in 1 database (such as web hosting reviews in Australia). Most services provide package deals which include more than one service. Our customer service will also be available to assist you, over the telephone, by e-mail or by means of the desktop. 1 key difference of a job from a career is the degree of education needed by means of a man or woman to meet the requirements for a position. The standard o f your resume will have a significant impact on how soon you can secure work. In work, however, you may apply despite a high school diploma or its equivalent alone. Your resume must be targeted particularly for the job.If you find work which you might not feel just like you are qualified for, that is all in your head. Put Bread on the Table You do not need to necessarily enjoy the job and theres no compulsion to stay longer than required. At times, you find it simple to become comfortable in your work and stick to what you only know. Though youre quite young and inexperienced, a good resume will be able to help you get your initial serious job. Dont worry, the majority of people are. Founded over twenty decades past, it is a tool that numerous folks make usage of every single day. With all these folks vying for the very saatkorn jobs, it can be tough to pin down the career that you dream about. Selecting a resume writer may not be an alternative for everybody and a couple of individuals can do the work independently. Resume Writing Services Reviews Ideas If you like how the service youre considering has crafted its on-line advertising and marketing message through its site or LinkedIn profile, odds are you will like the way that it creates your resume since the very same advertising and marketing efforts will almost certainly be applied. Theres a typical navigation panel with options to select from services, in regards to the site info, testimonials, affiliates, career center, FAQs, contact info and, obviously, why TCVs. Google best many exceptional characteristics to assist you in finding just what youre services for. Other services they give are presenting you with an expert LinkedIn profile. Resume Writing Services Reviews Secrets RankingHow to Choose a Resume Writing ServiceOf program, the best method to discover such assistance is if you take a look into the very best professional resume writing services reviews. If you are looking for a resume writing company, then all youll need is to search the net. With us, you might rest assured you will get a perfect essay for appropriate money. The service employs an individual approach for writing all sorts of personalized documents, including cover letters and other kinds of employment-related correspondence. Everybody is working quite hard to maintain their standards. Our efforts are appreciated by a growing number of customers and we wont quit improving our services. Complete the simple info and experience, so that you may browse jobs by function and location. Ideal website for nursing resumes. The 5-Minute Rule for Resume Writing Services Reviews If it is a dire situation thats probably the ideal thing to do just bestattungs any sort of job whilst looking for a career position. Last Thoughts Its very probable you might pass up a big prospect for the various probability of the startling kind that happen to cross your way. As youre not in stress of job and mu st find time for your loved ones. A good resume can force you to stick out from the crowd, increasing the odds of being chosen.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Top Writing Corkey Things on Resume Guide!

Top Writing Corkey Things on Resume Guide The Ultimate Approach for Writing Corkey Things on Resume So once youre contemplating how to compose a resume, dont forget that you need to be selling your abilities and accomplishments, not simply listing your work history and your old responsibilities. Actually, in regards to first resumes and job applications, the idea ought to be to deal with the process for a learning experience. Add any appropriate volunteer experience, especially if its the case that you dont have other experience. Since you might not have plenty of experience, its important to include information thats related to your intended job like coursework, projects, extracurricular activities, or volunteer work. Choosing a professional writer is an investment in your career that could exponentially boost your likelihood for a telephone interview by turning your previous experiences into your distinctive story. Look at getting skilled help If youre having a tough time to create your resume, or in case youre receiving no response whatsoever from companies, you could look at employing a professional resume writing service. Todays resumes are not the saatkorn as resumes which were written just a decade ago. Building a resume isnt a task youre able to leave up to chance. Writing your first resume may seem to be daunting endeavor. If you are at present seeking employment, there are some resume developments you should know about when youre writing your own. When it has to do with your work history, begin with the latest job you had. Create a new expert email address when you have a novelty email address Well it is all dependent on whether the job posting instructions specify a specific format. Most Noticeable Writing Corkey Things on Resume Even if you opt to change your work objective later, it is quite crucial that you choose a temporary objective for the time being. You should clearly state what type of a job that you want, and know what so rts of skills and experiences are necessary to succeed in that job. If it isnt directly about the job, leave it out. If youre looking for work in a new city, here are a couple different things to think about when creating your resume and searching for jobs.

Friday, November 29, 2019

10 Mistakes to Avoid When You Hire Millennial Employees

10 Mistakes to Avoid When You Hire Millennial Employees10 Mistakes to Avoid When You Hire Millennial EmployeesMillennials are a difficult bunch, arent they? They seem to have their own ideas about how the corporate world works, and arent afraid to express them. The generational differences can sometimes make hiring difficult. Still, its not a good idea to dismiss them when their resumes land in your inbox. According to LinkedIns 2015 Talent Trends Report, millennials will comprise 50 percent of the workforce by the time 2020 rolls around. Thats a 50 percent mglichkeit of a wide-eyed greenhorn showing up in your interview room. Thats also a 50 percent chance of nabbing a youthful, energetic and talented employee for your company. Here Are 10 Things Not to Do During the Hiring Process- and What to Do Instead. Write Vague Job Offers When you reach out to millennials to offer a job, dont just give them a list of duties and responsibilities. Talk about concrete reasons why you chose t hem in particular and perhaps give them a ballpark salary range as well. Theyd rather you use email to reach them, according to LinkedIns Talent Trends Report- but LinkedIn Mail, phone calls, and text messages are also acceptable.Chart an Unclear Career Path Unlike their predecessors, millennials want to be leaders right off the bat. This desire to lead doesnt mean they want to be promoted as soon as they set foot in the office. Instead, they see a leader as someone whos able to make an impact in the workplace- whether that someone holds a formal leadership title or not. If your company can help its millennial hires plan where they want to be five years from now, youre more likely to retain those hires. Refuse to Offer Flexible Work Arrangements The traditional 9-to-5 setup just doesnt work for millennials anymore. Theyd rather have a job where they have flexible hours, telecommuting options, and extra vacation time. Its not that theyre lazy- its just that this setup makes them more productive.Entice Them Only With Money fruchtwein millennials would rather make a difference than make a ton of money. Compensate them enough for their work, but encourage them to give back to the community as well. You can also hold regular fundraisers, organize trips to impoverished neighborhoods, and do other things that will enable millennials to have a positive impact on the world. Disqualify Those Without the Necessary Skills and Experience Yes, skills and experience help. Most millennials dont have either of theseand have no other means of obtaining them other than through an actual job. Its better to hire the ones who show the most potential, have them learn on the job and make a decision about them from there. After all, thats how Google hires employees- and look where it got them.Use an Excessively Rigorous Hiring Process If your company weeds out high-potential millennials on a regular basis, it might be a good idea to loosen things up a bit. In place of the usual two-th ree-round interviews, you can hold informal professional development classes, conduct informational interviews or show potential candidates around the office. Through these, you can let the candidates decide for themselves whether they fit your companys culture or not. Keep Them Away From Social Media For millennials, a no Facebook rule in the office is a death sentence. One-Third considers social media freedom a higher priority than salary. In a recent survey by web company WebpageFX, 90 percent of teenagers said they use social media more than three times a day. Encourage them to use popular social media sites for their age group- on the condition that they become ambassadors of goodwill for your company through those same sites.Use Corporate Buzzwords to Win Them Over Millennials appreciate it when theyre not bombarded with meaningless phrases like bottom line or take it to the next level. Theyre more likely to gravitate toward a company that speaks to them in simple, yet punchy, language. Go through your job ads targeted towards millennials, clear them of corporate speak and buzzwords, and watch more millennial resumes pour into your inbox. Try Too Hard to Get Millennials If the feed of Twitter user BrandsSayingBae is any indication, millennials can see right through a company that tries too hard to get cute with them. The remedy for this is the same as that in the previous point Express your companys brand through copy that highlights strengths in simple, succinct language.Fail to Provide Post-Interview Feedback According to LinkedIns Talent Trends Report, 95 percent of millennials want to hear what you thought about them after the interview. It might seem a ton of effort to follow up on applicants you rejected, but they need the feedback so they can improve for future interviews- and, perhaps, come back to your company so you can make use of their newly acquired skills and knowledge.These might seem like a lot of concessions to make to millennials. Howev er, its important to note that they just want to keep up with the timesand hope that the company theyll work for will do the same. Avoid the mistakes mentioned above, and youll be rewarded with a vibrant workforce. Sarah Landrum is a freelance journalist specializing in career development. Sarahs work has been featured on noted publications including Forbes, Business Insider, The Muse and Entrepreneur.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

I went on a 30 day food cleanse Heres what I learned

I went on a 30 day food cleanse Heres what I learnedI went on a 30 day food cleanse - Heres what I learnedIn the age of Instagrammers advertising juice cleanses and hearing about one of your cousinsWhole30 excursionduring Thanksgiving dinner, food cleanses can seem to just be the latest in fad diets. But, while many do it for weight loss, some need to because of food sensitivities, myself included. Living with a food sensitivity that you havent figured out can be, to put it lightly, pretty miserable. Some discover food sensitivities they never knew they had after doing a food cleanse, while I embarked on mine to finally figure out exactly what had been bothering me for years.Why I did itFor as long as I can remember, having a horrible stomach has pretty much been a parte of my everyday life. Its something that has controlled me, because I knew that any day could always take a turn for the worst because of my stomach.But, my episodes of sickness (which include my stomach feeling lik e it welches literally being tied into kbedrngniss), seemed so sporadic that I literally felt hopeless in ever knowing exactly what made my stomach upset. It felt daunting to eliminate whole food groups to my diet when it could be a single food.After about a million doctor appointments confirming that I didnt have some kind of virus, my doctor told me some earth-shattering nachrichtensendung that I needed to go on a food cleanse in order to really figure out what sensitivities I have.What is a food cleanse?In order to really figure out whats making you sick, my doctor explained that I needed to give up food groups for at least four weeks, which ensures that everything that youre eating has enough time to completely get out of your system. Then, you gradually add food groups back into your diet week by week to see how each one makes you feel. When you begin eating it again, its like your body is seeing it for the first time, which really allows you to figure out sensitivities and all ergies.My doctor had me do it for two food groups gluten and dairy. For me personally, these were the most likely culprits for my problems, and rather than giving up everything Whole30 style, I choose to focus on just these for the time being. I chose to do it for four weeks, since that seemed the most feasible for me and what Im used to eating.Full disclosure the meals I eat are almost always pretty healthy and home-cooked, but Ive always been a big snacker, which could consist of anything and everything, especially after a long day where I get home and am starving.Week 1At first,cutting dairy from my dietwasnt nearly as hard as I imagined (besides cheese, of course). Besides loving half and half in my morning iced coffee, I pretty much only drink almond milk, and stay away from ice cream because Ive always felt it was a top contender for the things that upset my stomach. Out of everything, Ive always had a hunch the main source of my problems was a lactose intolerance. So the fact that cutting dairy out wasnt too difficult made me super optimistic.Gluten, on the other hand, was a totally different story. I always thought giving up gluten just meant buying a special bread, but I couldnt have been mora wrong. It felt like gluten was in literallyeverything.Crackers, cookies, noodles - every carb that I craved (and unfortunately, if Im not eating carbs, I basically lose the will to eat).During the first week, I didnt know what carbs to eat, so I wasnt eating carbs at all, which in turn made me feel exhausted and horrible all the time. I definitely felt less bloated and a little betterin terms of my stomach as a whole, but it didnt make up for the fact that I was cutting myself off from everything I wanted to eat, and felt tired as a consequence.Week 2At the beginning of week 2, I smartened up and went to the gluten-free aisle of the closest Marianos and stocked up on everything I could find, from almond flour to gluten free muffins.Through this, I found that al though I had always assumed gluten-free alternatives tasted as good as the real thing, that wasnotthe case. A lot of things tasted like cardboard, which once again, made me not want to eat it at all. (Shoutout to everyone that has to be completely gluten-free - I dont know how you do it)While I finally discovered the carbs that still tasted good and that I was allowed to eat, being gluten-free began to change the way that I snacked. Instead of picking up my usual carb-loaded post-work snack, it made me get creative with what I was eating. I started eating healthier things, and incorporated more nuts, fruit, and veggies into my diet.At the end of the day, I kept realizing that I just felt better. My stomach wasnt getting upset nearly as often, so I was feeling hopeful that I was finally going to crack the case. I was only eating three meals and one healthy snack a day, and I was eating higher quality foods so I was staying full for longer. It also helped me be conscious of the small things that I usually snacked on without thinking twice.Week 3After the initial purge from gluten and dairy during weeks 1 and 2, I wasnt craving the things I usually eat as much, and things were much, much easier. It just felt like a part of my daily diet, and I was starting to like eating foods I normally wouldnt.During week 3, I was able to notice that my stomach wasnt getting upset, except for after I was eating salads (which I didnt expect at all). I was able to break it down and figure out what was causing it tomatoes. Every time I ate them, my stomach would be in a ton of pain and I would break out in hives. This was one of the small allergies I had feared, but without eating cleaner, I dont think I ever would have discovered it, because I would have figured it was something bigger.Everything accounted for, I was overall feeling good. More than anything, I was being more creative with meals (hello, zucchini noodles), and finding new things that I really loved eating that wer e still good for me.I also began to find gluten-free alternatives that I actually didnt mind, which made the experience 100x more tolerable.Adding food back inWeek 4 went about as smoothly as week 3 in terms of how challenging eating was. I was happy to have figured out one allergy that was causing my problems, and was curious to see what was going to happen the next week when I added each food group back in (You have to add food groups back in separately. For me, I was adding them back in a week apart).I added dairy back into my diet the next week, and had no problems at all, which I didnt see coming. Gluten had never been on my radargert for what was causing issues for me, but since I was getting sick so frequently, it did add up. I was curious (and a little scared) for the next week.After adding gluten back into my diet, my stomach began getting super upset again. I was bloated, uncomfortable, and feeling sick every day. After a little more time, I discovered that I can handle it in small doses, but when I ate it in excess, I had problems. So, I unfortunately cant sit and devour a whole bread basket at restaurants anymore.While it wasnt exactly the news I was hoping for, figuring out what upsets my stomach has made my day-to-day life infinitely better. For me, this plan worked to figure out what was making me sick, and I was lucky I only needed to eliminate gluten and dairy to do it, because a lot of people need to eliminate more. Not needing to fear that Im going to be stuckverzierung in bed because my stomach hurts so bad is well worth giving up the things that make me feel sick. I only wish I bit the bullet and committed to figuring it out earlier.Tips for doing a food cleanseBefore you start, make sure to stock up on foods that you know you like that fit your rules.Choose a time in your life that allows for a stricter diet. For example, dont start one right before a vacation.Come off your cleanse slowly. For me, I added each food group back in super gra dually to make sure I didnt get super sick. If you gave up dairy, dont celebrate your cleanse being done by drinking four milkshakes.Drink a lot of water.Remember why youre doing it, and remember that youll be back to eating the things you like in no time.This article was originally posted on

Thursday, November 21, 2019

We designed a jetpack for Mars. (The Story Behind a Resume)

We designed a jetpack for Mars. (The Story Behind a Resume)We designed a jetpack for Mars. (The Story Behind a Resume)Welcome to yet aelendher installment of the Story Behind a Resume. This is where we interview fascinating people with even more fascinating resumesand try to learn their whole story.This month weve interviewed Ivan, a mechanical engineer who just got an internship at Volvo. He also worked on a jetpack for NASAs first mission to Mars and bio-hacked a plant to help it protect itself from those nasty tiny larvae that nobody likes.And he did all of this while still being a student. Because, as if it welchesnt enough, hes also pursuing two different masters in two different countries at the same time. Right now, Ivan is writing his thesis at Volvo where hes trying to find the right algorithms to predict the future. Amazing resume for a student, isnt it? Ivan will tell you about all of ansicht projects and give you some tips if youd also like to start a career while still a t university.Because thats what this interview is mainly about - about the importance of doing internships, working on your own projects, and devoting time and effort to something you find worthwhile.Ivan will tell youWhat he currently does at VolvoAbout his projects for MIT and NASAHow he programmed a social robot for a medical centreThat student activities are a great way start for your careerHow to manage studies and a meaningful jobHow internship can land you a future full-time job right after studiesAnd then some.Who is Ivan Llopis Beltran? (Volvo Mechanical Engineer Internship Resume Sample)Congratulations on getting your internship at Volvo Are you enjoying your time there so far? Yeah, definitely. Ive been here two months already. Volvo employs many smart people, so Im definitely going to learn a lot here.What exactly are you doing at Volvo?Apart from the internship, Im also writing my masters thesis. I really wanted to do it at Volvo because its in Sweden theyre working on many projects that do with artificial intelligence.Im on the strategic team. My job is to help them decide what kind of decisions they want to make and where should they focus their attention in the upcoming years. Im applying artificial intelligence to gather as much useful information as possible.So we search through the internet, and look for new articles and technologies. Afterwards, my work is to apply machine learning algorithms to predict future trends, and determine which ones are going to be useful and which ones not. Hopefully I will be able to contribute to the future of the company.So you want to be able to predict what technologies and things are going to be huge in the future?Exactly. We amass information and filter it, while trying to predict which technologies are here to stay and which ones are going to be short-lived. Take the fidget spinner, for instance. It was huge for a moment. Yet, barely anyone remembers it now. Is this part of your masters thesis?Yes, exact ly. To be more specific, I am doing two masters degrees in parallel. One in Spain and one in Sweden.Oh wow. Isnt one degree enough? No. I wanted more. After my bachelors degree, I realized there are many more things I can learn and discover. So I went to do my first masters. However, then I realized again it could only teach me a small fragment of something bigger and I wanted to do even more. I talked to an advisor on LinkedIn who suggested that I could join a consultancy company, where I would probably learn a lot, or do a PhD. The double degree was a decision I made in buchung to master some fields I definitely wanted to master. But I mean, you can join a consultancy company if you have enough skill, but you need at least one masters to do a PhD. I decided to do two, but I could have gone either way with only one.Ultimately, the double degree helped me acquire the skills necessary to join Volvo Cars. That was actually a risky move because my college only offered two distribution spolitikment positions in Sweden. But I decided to do it anyway and Im glad I did. But I believe that with decisions like these, theres nothing you can loose. You can only gain a lot.You seem to be really convinced about that.Definitely. Its never a waste of time. I always say that if you pour all your effort into something and still fail, its not your fault. You did everything you could. Its only your fault if you know you could have tried harder.Thats a great mindset. But how do you manage the workload for two degrees at the same time? Well, it requires good time management but it helps if youre doing related study programs. The knowledge you gain while studying for one program can help you understand new things for the other.Also, Im doing one of them remotely. I did the most demanding courses beforehand and the rest of the courses I can do remotely. As for the masters thesis, when I schliff this one, I will go to Spain to do another thesis there. Hopefully, I will schliff my stu dies before September, so I can come back to Sweden and start working here full-time.Does it mean youre planning to stay at Volvo after finishing your studies?I would like to. Theyve already told me I could start working here full-time afterwards. This internship as well as working on my masters thesis at Volvo helped me a lot. Its a good start for my future career.Before your internship, you did a lot of cool projects. For example, the one for MIT. Can you tell me about the The Sexy Plant?Sure. iGEM is a worldwide competition in synthetic biology which is organized by MIT every year. They proposed a challenge for students to provide them with something interesting, cool and helpful in their own research. And thanks to them, we did something that has never been done before.I was a bit scared at the beginning because I didnt know a lot about biology. But one of the points was to build a multidisciplinary team. If everyone came from the same background, youd only be able to see the sa me things and couldnt solve bigger problems. So I attended some webinars, student conferences and studied. I had to understand a bit about biology but my job was mainly programming and doing mathematical models.Our approach was to prevent moths from eating the plant. Basically, the male moth looks for a female and when they couple, they create maggots. And as they grow, they feed on the plant. Of course, the first thing that might come to your mind is to kill them. But killing is not considered very nice, so we wanted to avoid it.So what did you do?We thought, what if the moth couple never met? They wouldnt produce the larvae and those, in turn, wouldnt eat the crop. The solution would be to release a large amount of female pheromones into the air. It would trick the male into thinking hes surrounded by a large number of females. He wouldnt be able to find just one.If it sounds a bit confusing, I can give you a simple example. Imagine you go to the beach and want to look for a new b oyfriend or girlfriend. If there is only one or two people you find interesting, you can identify them very quickly. But if you see two thousand boys or girls you like, you get confused. You dont know where to look or who to approach first. Its a bit of a silly example but thats what we did.Technically, the plant saturates the air with pheromones and overwhelms the insects receptors there are only few real female moths, but the male will think there are actually thousands, making it confusing and difficult to find the real ones. Almost like life itself. We created a modified plant that was able to release the pheromone into the air. Theres no other plant in the world that does that. We won a prize and got to present in front of many other people. We also visited MIT, which was amazing.Your CV says you also did a project for NASA. What was that about?That was a bigger project for the global competition called SpaceApps. NASA challenged us to design a solution for the Jet Set Mars Cha llenge. They needed a mobility solution for first operations on Mars. It was back in 2016 when Elon Musk said he wants to go to Mars and colonize it.Our task was to imagine we have a go to Mars and the astronauts have to move around the planet. But how do you do that? The conditions are different, you have a way lighter atmosphere, and, obviously, the place is rather empty. We designed an exoskeleton with a HUD and jet pack for mobility. We also proposed a method for obtaining fuel on-site.We presented our solution and won the prize for best hardware. Then we went on to the global competition and ended up in the top 5 for best hardware and top 25 overall.We got multiple mentions in the media, I featured on radio channels in Spain. It was really cool. We met a lot of interesting people and professionals who supported us.Are they going to use these ideas in the end?I think they just want to hear new ideas and different solutions. They get to see new points of view and can find somethi ng cool to improve their own projects. In some competitions, they contact the winning team further to help them with the development. But that only happens in some competitions, not in this one. In this NASA competition, the winners got to see the launch of their rocket, which is super cool.Later that year, you programmed a social robot for medical centers. How does it work?That was part of my internship in Valencia. In the hospital, they told me that older people require a lot of attention. They need someone to interact with them to keep their mind active. So I came up with the idea of a robot that could do just that. Moreover, it could work with the patients biometric data which hospitals usually store in their information systems.Lets say that patients amount of sugar in the blood would drop to a certain level. The robot would send an alarm to the doctor together with the room number. So, the doctor would come and check on the patient. Doctors then dont have to be in the room the whole time. The robot will do that for them.We equipped him with something like a chatbot, so patients could interact with him. We also wanted to implement facial recognition. However, we lacked time and we didnt manage to do it before the internship ended.Which one of these projects did you find the most interesting?Oh, I really couldnt pick one. Thats a very tricky question. Each project has provided me with a different kind of experience. The MIT project showed me how interdisciplinary teams can work efficiently. The NASA project taught me how to work in a bigger team and how to organize it. The robotics project was completely different. It taught me how to work for a hospital and older people. Also, I could see how people working in health care really care about patients. It reminded me to be humble and care about other people.Since you cant choose, can you at least say what you like the most about working in the field of automation and robotics?Probably the idea that I can pr ovide something worthwhile and useful to someone.The knowledge can be used and applied in many fields, and by many people. Thats something that makes me feel like its worth it.Since when are you so interested in this topic?Since the third grade of my bachelors degree when I discovered automation and all the possibilities it offers. You can control any kind of process, you can predict things or create robots. I thought that its cool and every company will use this in some way - for machines, cameras, security, anything. So I started doing some research and digging. I became so enthralled by it that I decided to do a masters in it. During that time, I discovered machine learning, artificial intelligence and the fact that you can also teach a machine to learn from experience.Just like our parents were teaching us when we were kids. For example, your dad told you this is a truck and this is a car. And he showed you hundreds of examples and then you were able to tell what is a truck and what a car. Machines can do the same. And I thought that was super cool and it will have an enormous impact on the future.Besides at school, did you have to study a lot by yourself?Yes, definitely. I was a member of the students association called Makers UPV where students can put into practice everything theyve learned during lectures. Ive met many passionate people there. Students who stay up programming after midnight, building robots or attending competitions. When you get to talk to them, you realize theyre really smart. Theyre also people who look at things in a different way. Thats something you sometimes cant find in the top classes at school. All of that comes from doing research, reading articles, watching tutorials and discovering. And passion attracts passion. If youre surrounded by people like these, it rubs off on you. In this way, you can gather knowledge about many things that arent part of your studies or you dont have courses about them.You can just open Google, C oursera or YouTube where you have video lectures from MIT or Stanford. And theyre available completely for free. The tools are there and its up to you invest enough time to take advantage of it.Do you find it important to work during studies?Definitely. Working at a company gives you something you wont regret when youll start looking for a real job. Nowadays, numberless people have a degree. Youre just one of the many. What can distinguish you from others is your job experience. That proves that you can do something already during your studies.Its hard to get into at the beginning. But all you have to do is show your passion and willingness to work. Ultimately someone will give you a chance. If you gain this experience during your studies, its much easier for you to find a job afterwards. You learn a lot and it sets you up with professional contacts. It also gives you independence. In the end, youll have many more doors open.It can be hard to combine studies with a meaningful job. D o you have any tips for other students on how to manage it?The main point is to find something you like, then you realize its not a job. Its also important to realize that the hours you invest in it, will be a big plus for once you finish school. Also, I like to remind myself that one can get used to anything. Like when you start running, the first week is super tough but you get used to it. If you commit yourself to something because you want to, not because you have to, you can achieve a lot.Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments